liberty acres farm

About Liberty Acres Farm
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Above all, we raise everything at Liberty Acres Farm in a manner that is humane. Likewise, we embrace the essence of that particular animal, allowing them to move and eat in a more natural way. Additionally, all food produced on the farm is eaten by our family as part of a wholesome, healthy diet. Our land management practices help build healthy soil, prevent erosion and sequester carbon.
Furthermore, the farm currently produces pasture-raised broiler chickens and farm fresh eggs from pasture-raised hens. In addition, we also raise pastured pork, pasture raised turkeys, and pasture raised duck.
All animals are raised on pasture and provided with non-GMO supplemental feed and minerals as needed. Likewise, the pastures are maintained using management intensive grazing techniques. Management intensive grazing techniques help build naturally fertilized soil, sequester carbon, and reduce water runoff. So no artificial fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones, or antibiotics (unless needed to treat illness) are used.
We humanely process our grass fed chickens, turkeys, and ducks on-site. Sales are farm direct, through local farmers markets, and retail outlets
Above all, our goal is to help shift the current paradigm away from large, corporate, environmentally destructive, factory style farms. Instead, we want change the trend, focusing it towards small, family, eco-responsible, local food systems. In short, we want our families, friends, and customers to connect with their food.
As we embark upon our 8th growing season, the response from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive. We feel we have really begun to connect people with their food,and equally as important, with their farmers. Our farm is owner operated. We have no employees. When you talk with us you are talking directly to the owners/farmers. Building a healthy relationship with people is as important to us as building a healthy environment for our animals.
Unlike large factory farms, we welcome people to our farm and enjoy telling our story and showing people around. We have nothing to hide at Liberty Acres Farm and feel the more people know about where their food is coming from, the more they understand why its better for them, the animals and the environment.